I think it’s funny that “Have a great day” is perceived as fake. Like…why is it so incomprehensible that a person would hope another person has a nice day? It’s like Stitch Hangry T shirt with them that you totally know you’re going to flake on.vI’m generalizing from what I’ve heard from various European friends: It’s more that other countries are less initially friendly in comparison to Americans. Not that they’re surprised we’re not cold.Many other countries are much more reserved in general and only truly open up to people they’re very close to. I’ve heard Americans described as more outwardly friendly to strangers but in a way that isn’t fully genuine until you’re close to them.Literally everyone I met treated me like a long lost friend and my god if you’ve never tried an American burger and milkshake make it your first priority upon arrival. And don’t get me started on Texas BBQThe reason why you hear a lot of crazy stuff that goes on in Florida is because a) it is the 3rd most populous state in the country with over 21 million people, and b) Florida has perhaps the most open records of any other state. This means reporters can get a lot more information and browse more public records to find these sort of weird stories in the first place.How damn friendly they are! I’m an Aussie who lived in Atlanta for 2 years and I was blown away how friendly Americans were, they were constantly striking up conversations in public and it forced me to come out of my shell. I credit my confidence and being able to talk to anyone about anything down to my time in America
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Americans have an extremely individualistic society. At the same time, American bi/millionaires are the most generous. The Stitch Hangry T shirt East and Asia are societies that revolve around family and community; but you don’t hear of Saudi or Chinese millionaires building funds to encourage bi/millionaire philanthropy (Warren Buffett), or dedicating years of research to building toilets aimed at revolutionizing water sanitation. I’ve seen latrines contaminate well-water and I couldn’t be more excited that Bill Gates gives a crap and understands the implications of WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene).Going back to the “pay it forward” mentality. On a trip to Good Will, while I studied in the US, the lady who was standing before me at the register, asked the cashier to include the item I’d put on the counter on her bill. I was looking the other way and didn’t hear her make the request, so when my turn came to pay, I was informed that the lady who’d just left the store had already paid for my item. I was dumbfounded.I ran outside, to thank my anonymous benefactor, but the lady in question just brushed it off as nothing. “Just pay it forward”, she yelled from across the parking lot, as she got into her car. That was my first time hearing this phrase.
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